
Utrecht University Botanic Gardens are a museum organisation, although our collections do not consist of paintings or archaeological objects, but of living plants.

Managing a living collection of this kind calls for a very different approach. Like museums, the Botanic Gardens also serve various functions. The collections are not only intended for the public, but also for scientific research, education and to conserve plant species.


In the late 1980s, the various botanic gardens in the Netherlands agreed to ensure that collections are spread as well as possible across the various gardens. As a result of this, the Dutch botanic gardens provide a habitat for a wide range of plant species, genera and families. With fourteen approved subcollections, Utrecht University Botanic Gardens are one of the largest participants of this overarching Dutch Plants Collection.

Hans Persoon and Gijs Steur are responsible for the collections in the Evolutionary Garden, the Discovery Garden and the Tropical Public Greenhouse. The collection manager for the Rock Garden and the (sub)tropical collections is Anastasia Stefanaki.

For detailed information about the specialisations of the Dutch gardens please visit the website of the Dutch Association of Botanic Gardens.


We are currently in transition from our old database system (Atlantis) to a new system. This new system, Iris BG, offers many additional features. Because of this transition, our system is currently not accessible to third parties.

Het Alpinekasje bij de Rotstuin voor de meest kwestbare planten