Department Advisory Committee

The Departmental Advisory Committee [DAC] in Mathematics is an advisory body of the Faculty Council of Science [FR], the official representative body within the Faculty of Science. The purpose of the DAC is twofold: first, the DAC serves as a constituency for the two FR members of the department, with whom they can discuss topics that are on the FR's agenda. The DAC also has a signalling function to the FR members, by proactively bringing relevant topics to the attention of the FR. Secondly, the DAC can be used as a sounding board for the departmental board. Within the Department of Mathematics, importance is placed on good and constructive communication between the board, staff and students. 

The DAC members are:


  • Viktor Blasjo (MI)
  • Samira le Grand (MI)
  • Anna Shvarts (FI)   
  • Robin Bastiaansen (MI)
  • Stephen Snelders (chair) (FI)
  • Aike Vonk (FI)


  • David Bakker (HPS) 
  • Sarah Ehrhardt (SEC) 
  • Noor Lamers (BSc Mathematics) 
  • Quirijn Kokkeler (Master MS)