Sharing Knowledge

As an institution or business, you are welcome to contact us for academic research or tailored advice. We work on projects on behalf of, or in collaboration with companies, museums, governments and other organisations. We can assist you with research into the history of your company or organisation, for instance, as well as writing a biography or curating an exhibition.

In the Media

Researchers affiliated with the department also regularly share their expertise in de media or by giving lectures: Beatrice de Graaf, for instance, frequently appears on current-events programmes such as De wereld draait door and Pauw; Leonard Rutgers has a regular column in Het Financieele Dagblad; and Bas van Bavel, Tine de Moor, Michael Kwakkelstein and Jan Luiten van Zanden often offer their perspectives to newspapers and in radio interviews.

Would you too like to speak to an expert, you may look up a staff member yourself or contact the press office. Should you be interested in having Utrecht researchers conduct research on your behalf, please contact our Contract Research Coordinator Dr Joost Dankers.


Would you like to make use of our expertise? For the fields listed below, we have extensive experience in carrying out projects with social partners and clients.