Hans de Cock new member advisory body genetic modification

From 1 May, assistant professor at Utrecht University Hans de Cock is a new member of the Genetic Modification Committee (COGEM). COGEM advises the Dutch government on the risks of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to humans and the environment. In addition, the committee informs about ethical-societal aspects of genetic modification.

Hans de Cock
Hans de Cock

COGEM tasks 

COGEM's field of activity covers all applications of biotechnology. Subjects on which COGEM advises are the use of agricultural crops that have been made resistant to certain insects by means of genetic modification. Another example is the use of genetically modified microorganisms in the industry for the production of enzymes, chemicals and bioplastics. 

Expert members 

Hans de Cock is an assistant professor at the Biology department of the Faculty of Science. He has expertise in the field of pathogenic fungi and the interaction between host and pathogen. COGEM has a total of forty expert members from different fields. They are predominantly from Dutch universities and institutes.