Dr. Stephan Grimmelikhuijsen

Dr. Stephan Grimmelikhuijsen

Associate Professor
Public Governance and Management
+31 30 253 1433

Dr. Stephan Grimmelikhuijsen is Director of Research at the Utrecht University School of Governance. He is an associate professor of public management and associate editor at the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. His research and teaching focuses on: citizen trust, digitization (AI) in the public sector, government transparency, and behavioral public administration.

Stephan is involved as workpackage leader and senior researcher in various NWO and H2020 projects:

- ALGOPOL (NWO): researching algorithm-use with the police

- AI4INTELLIGENCE (NWO): developing new professional standards for AI use for the police and intelligence professionals.

- Toezicht met Gezag (NWO): investigating the reputations of regulatory agencies.

- Public sector stereotypes (NWO): investigating stereotypes of public sector workers