Music festival UUnited

Marieke van Merriënboer, directeur Parnassos Cultuurcentrum en Rosa Falkenburg, programmacoördinator Parnassos Cultuurcentrum
“With the music festival UUnited we show the university and the city that students from Utrecht are brimming with musical talent”

Marieke van Merriënboer, director of Parnassos Cultural Centre and Rosa Falkenburg, programme coordinator of Parnassos Cultural Centre

UUnited started out in 2016 as an anniversary event which focused on bringing the eight student music ensembles of Utrecht University into the limelight. The event turned out to be a great success and was reprised in 2019 on the 28th of March in TivoliVredenburg. The second edition attracted 2.500 people. To make UUnited happen for a second time, Marieke and Rosa appealed to the Utrecht University Fund and its fundraising officers. “They helped us successfully collecting funds from several capital funds, including the K.F. Hein Fund.”

Watch the aftermovie of the festival